6 Igala Proverbs (Ita Alu Igala) You Need to Know

'Proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten' Chinua Achebe.

As with most cultures, Igala people have a myraid of proverbs the elderly ones use to teach children/youths important life lessons. The proverbs are usually handed down by word of mouth like most folk lores. Unfortunately, just like folk lores, proverbs are becoming a forgotten aspect of our culture in our ever present quest to become more 'modern'. And so in this post I've collected 6 Igala proverbs that should definitely not be forgotten. Number 1 is my favorite.

NB: remember that proverbs have deeper meanings than their literal translations, so think on each one to derive its ultimate meaning.

1. Ame amola kolawn kpai ame amola koja ko
Meaning: no matter how intelligent you are, you learn from others

2. Akamagbochukwumoto Alimakachukwuobijo
Meaning: a child that fails to take correction severally will perish. An elder that refuses to correct will perish.

3. Iko koma defu ichei iye, iye fubi imudeyi oja
Meaning: a child in the wonb belongs to the mother, after birth it belongs to the society

4. Abudu kone nya ya li ojale
Meaning: no matter how short a person is, he/she can still see the sky

5. Enw ki kp'ane na a d'oji dufu fai
Meaning: that which cracks the land will bring out its head in no time.

6. Enw k'oya che unyi oko maka ukola ch'oben
Meaning: it is what a wife does in her husbands house that matters and not what she says.

M'egba chaka!

Check out more Igala proverbs at IgalaProverbs or IgalaPedia.
Let's see your favorite Igala Proverbs in he comment section😊


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